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Asked 6 years, 1 month ago. Active 6 years, 1 month ago. Improving the question-asking experience. It is also a more mature project. Lachlan September 3, , 4: How do we handle problem users? phpdatamapper

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The domain object sees neither.


Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. There is a "pagination" php file which looks interesting, but of course no documentation anywhere to be seen.

Imho, There does not need to be any difference in the phpdaatamapper these are handled by the code using the object. Something I should look into.


Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. Their "entity" model is kinda useless, I mean I am just adding functions to the mapping class itself To be a DataMapper the object being mapped must know nothing.

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Gene Bo Gene Bo 6, 4 4 gold badges 47 47 silver badges 97 97 bronze badges. TomB Phpdatamapepr 5, I'd go with Outlet! The domain objects essentially only have knowledge of the mapper they were created by.

When I said complex, I meant Java scale complex. Whereas phpDataMapper is a more loyal approach to the pattern, I've found it to be a bit too idealistic and strict at times. Sign up using Email and Password. UserMapper allows some business logic to creep in and decide what to do if User cannot be saved etc… Maybe Mapper should be passed into UserMapper to allow different persistence methods?

Few questions, in your first example you actually show how you end up at the Manufacturers name, could you show how you would do this in your latter please?

Asked 9 years, 7 months ago. Active record is fine.


The mapping of fields and relationships is in the schema which could be code or metadata. Lachlan September 3,4: I phpdatamappwr like your opening statement: Marcus, Point taken on the fact that using Pheasant with existing objects is difficult.

Point taken on the fact that using Pheasant with existing objects is difficult. Writing a Data Mapper is an interesting project, so many issues to resolve: By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service.

They just store different data types. Email Required, but never shown. It looks like your ORM is exceptionally well designed. You have to go through source files and experiment if you want to use anything that is not in there like delete! Yeah I understand that.

I amended my post. Your solution is a good one.

PHP DataMapper — Spot ORM

Linking phpdatamapoer to everything else may save a few function parameters and may look superficially neat. The way I see it: How to access result set in phpDataMapper?

That you were building relations based on table names.

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